Monday, January 31, 2011

A Quote

I was just reading the last page of a book, and I had read something that I thought was interesting. So I thought I would share it with y'all. 
Just so you understand, at the end of my book a couple had just gotten married and this is the wife speaking to her new husband:

"You Know," I said as I watched the high tide dash itself upon the countless trunks on the beach, "Anyone can have a wedding. A wedding is just an event. An important one, granted, but just an event. A marriage is a life. It only takes money to have a wedding. It takes guts and courage and commitment to have a marriage"
~Caught Red Handed, by Gayle Roper: A Steeple Hill, Inspirational Romance Suspense

I kind of liked what she said, and just thought I'd share it with all of ya :)
Have a blessed day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Sunday, January 30, 2011

MSOA Artwork

So last Thursday was the art revue for MSOA (Masters School of Art), and I thought I would share with y'all the artwork that I completed and entered.

For the picture below, we had a guy named Stevo come in to our figure drawing class and model for us. He was very nice and sat still for a whole hour while we drew him. It was my first time taking Figure Drawing, so I was happy with my progress :)

For this photo, my teacher had given each of us a clipping from a Macy's catalog that had a model on it. We then drew it within the class hour. (Figure Drawing Class)

In my Drawing 2 class, we learned how to make our own original artwork by piecing together different elements and drawing them on paper. For Example; I found a picture of ducks, a picture of mountains, a picture of cattails, and took a picture of my lil sis with an umbrella: I then pieced it all together to create this:

In Portrait 2, I drew a picture of my little brother:

Well, that's all my artwork for this term :) I am so blessed and thankful that God has given me this talent, and I hope to use it to minister to others someday.
Have a blessed day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sing-A-Song Weekend!!!

Wow does time fly!
It seems like it was just yesterday when I posted the last S.A.S Weekend! ;)
Well, here is a song that I like. Maybe you'll like it too! 

One of the reasons why I love this song, is because I struggle sometimes to accept Gods love and not mans love. I believe in saving your heart for your husband and courting, but it doesn't change the fact that I have the urge to date at times. Sometimes I long for someone to give me that attention and love, someone who will love me for me. But the thing is, that I know that God is the only one who can truly full fill that desire. Man's love can not even begin to compare to God's love. I know these things, yet at times I refuse to accept God's love and begin to desire man's love. How foolish that is though... In case you struggle with the same thing, let me assure you, you're not alone! But I do want to leave you with some encouragement:
I pray that you (and I) will be filled with the love of God, and continue to pursue him wholeheartedly, And come to recognize his unconditional love
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

A Thought

So tonight I went to church (Our church has Saturday evening, and Sunday morning services), and the pastor said something that I thought was kind of neat. Before I tell you though, I have a question:

What do you think that the Bible is?
...Take time to think about this...

My response to that question, was typically, 'it's God's instruction manual to us', or 'God's word'. -Now those are all good answers, and I still thinks that that is true of the Bible, but my pastor called it 'God's Journal'. Now what is a journal or diary? Here is what the dictionary says:

Journal Definition:
a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use

In my words; A journal is written literature of personal feelings or emotions. -In a sense, God's bible is like his journal/diary. He is writing down his feelings for us; just like some girls write down feelings of there "crushes", or people that they love, God has had his feelings for us written in the Bible.
What a neat way to think of it, huh?

Well, I just thought I would share with you my new knowledge of what the Bible is. Have a blessed day!

~Miss.Adriana Castillo 

A Journey Home, Ch.2

To learn more about my story, or to read a previous chapter, check out the 'A Story' page.
Chapter 2
~The Oak Tree~

It has now been two weeks since I left home, and I've been traveling by railway the whole time. As I sat atop the train, I began to see the break of day as a sunrise began to emerge. I stretched and gathered my tattered bag, preparing to hop off the train as soon as possible. Although I didn't have much, my bag felt to have weighed a ton when it rested upon my endlessly tired shoulders. All that was left of my belongings was a change of clothes and 3 dollars, my food had been eaten within the first week and two of my dollars spent to by food after that.

As the train began to slow down, I used my best judgment to know when to hop off. You see, when your riding the rails, it's important that your very cautious when choosing to jump off. If you jump too soon, you can attain many injuries because the train was going so fast that it pretty much threw you off. Wait too long, and near too close to the station, and an officer is sure to catch you in the act. Finally, I decided it was the right moment; so I jumped off.

My landing was swift with precision, over these past weeks my jump off landings had improved immensely. I began to walk along the tracks, looking all around me for a place that I could use as shelter. I was in a warm area with bushes and a few trees, it looked like a small town with just a few houses here and there. As I continued to look around, I noticed a big oak tree. It was beautiful as it glistened in the morning sun, with each leaf fluttering in the slight breeze. Something about it drew me in, and I began to walk toward it.

As I neared the tree, I set my back pack on the ground and took off on a faster pace. For some reason unknown to me, I felt a serge of hope and joy as I neared this tree. That feeling didn't last for long though, because from around the tree was a person. He stepped toward me and kept coming closer and closer, until finally, his face was so close that I could feel and smell his breath. “What are you doing at my tree!”, the young man snarled at me. What he spoke was more of a demand than a question, and his sharp tone caught me off guard and made me feel slightly afraid. I began to back away and try to respond at the same time,”I...I...I saw the t-t-tree.... and...”. My response came out more like stammering than a fully spoken sentence. The man sensed my fear, I could tell, and I knew that I was in big trouble. 
Copyrighted 2011, Adriana Castillo

I Hope you enjoyed the story! Have a blessed day, and stay tuned for more!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Riding the Rails Story

Hello! So, I just finished writing a story for a school history project and I thought that I would share it with y'all! :) Every now and then I will post a chapter, but for now, Here is the intro & Chapter 1: 

~The Journey Home~
Written By, Adriana Castillo

Riding The Rails
During the great depression, many teenagers ran away from home. There reasons consisted of being kicked out of home because there family could not afford to feed them, going to work in order to support there family, or leaving for the pure sake of adventure. Many of these youngsters would hop on board a train and travel, free of cost. But there was a cost; danger lurked everywhere, and many were un-aware of the hazards that riding the rails brought.

These teens were everyday kids, just like some of you. They had a life to fullfill, and for some, that life ended when they chose to ride the rails. This story is about a young girl named Stacy, who chose to ride the rails. 

Chapter 1
~The Escape~
I woke up to the feeling of cold rushing air; it was a biting chill that I hadn't anticipated. The hard medal of the train that I layed upon gave no warmth, nor did the rocky ride and sharp turns give comfort to me. As I layed there, I looked above to the starry sky and let my mind wander. I tried to remember the reason why I was here, it seemed like I had been on this adventure all my life. I knew it hadn't, and I also knew why I was laying on top of a train riding the rails.

It was April 7th of 1932 in Hiseville, Kentucky. I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs that morning, I was excited because it was my 17th birthday. I dressed quickly before rushing downstairs to my awaited breakfast. As I sat down, I began to eye the plate that set before me. “Well, go ahead and take a bite sugar plum” said my mama. As the anticipated food began to reach my mouth, my pa came in from outside. My face lit up to see him, but then it darkened when I took a closer look. He looked tired and dirty as if he hadn't slept all night. I dared not ask him why he looked that way, I knew my ma would ask him.

That night of my birthday, I packed a carrying bag with necessities for living. I had a jar of money that I had been saving to buy a glass doll, a bar of soap, some extra clothes, as well as some food that I had snuck from the kitchen. No one knew that I was planning to run away from home, I didn't wish for anyone to know. I counted my money again, although I had already done so three times. It still equaled to be five dollars, not much -but enough to get me by. I then started to escape by climbing out my bedroom window.

As I climbed down from my window, my mind replayed the events of the day; My pa said that he had lost his job. When hearing that, my ma began to bawl -And before I knew it, they were arguing about who's fault it was that he had lost his job. They then began to speak of how they would make the house payments, buy food, and clothes. The talk was more than I could bear to hear, so I had run up to my room and started scheming up a plan of escape.

Now I had reached the ground from below my bedroom window. I ran to the street that our house was located on, and stopped momentarily to look back. The white two story house had been my home all my life, with it's brick chimney and a constantly lit candle in the window cill. Although I knew things would be different, I was absolutely sure that no matter what -the candle would be lit in the window, always inviting me back home.
Copyrighted 2011, Adriana Castillo

I Hope you enjoyed the story! Have a blessed day, and stay tuned for more!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo 

Sing-A-Song Weekend!!! -Late Edition-

Hello Everyone!
I am sad to say that I never posted a music video this past weekend. So I am making it up by posting it just a little bit late ;)

This is one of my favorite songs, I find it... inspiring.
Hope you all enjoy it.

May you have a blessed day and may we all strive to shine the light of  Jesus to all that we know.

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

My Blog Neglect

Hello blogger friends! :)
Ok, so I have been neglecting my blog for a while... Things have just been far too busy. So I am postponing my blog challenge, and moving on to just blogging whenever I get a chance/have something to share. Y'all understand, I'm sure :)

Well, I really should be working on math right now... So I should get off blogger. I hope you all have a blessed day filled with joy! :)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 16!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day sixteen of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 16#
~Something you could live without.~

I have to pick just one? There's probably a ton of stuff I could live without... The biggest thing would probably be my computer. I would probably have more free time with out it, I tend to get caught up in listening to music on you tube or playing around with my blog or somethin.  Yup, I think that about sums it all up ;)

What could you live without?

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 15!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day fifteen of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 15#

~List 8 different attributes that you want to attain/what you want to become.~

For some reason, I liked this photo :)

Filled with Patience
Attain a Servants heart
 Those are all different things that I want to become, and Lord willing, someday I will fullfill all those things :)

Do you have any attribute that you are working towards now?

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 14!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day fourteen of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 14#
~A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions.~

 10 Confessions?
I don't like frozen banana's
I don't like banana's that have green to them (I like em ripe)
I love peanut butter and banana's, but I rarely ever eat it that way
I ♥ banana milkshakes!
It should be a crime to permit the making of banana flavored Popsicles. :P
Banana's make good fruit salads
When I was little; I tried once to eat a banana just like a monkey does...
(They bite into the middle of the banana with the peel on, and then they proceed in eating it...)
I don't like banana flavored candy
Nor do I like much baked banana desserts either
Banana's are delicious and good all on there own :)

How's that for ten? ;)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 13!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day thirteen of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 13#
~Write a letter to yourself about what your week was like~

Dear Self,
    Life has been busy... I've been working on schoolwork from morning to night and trying to make sure I get all of it done. Today I had leadership class -It teaches about how to be an effective leader- And today was the last class of the semester :( *Sniffle*. It was sad that it's now over, because it was my favorite class and I'm going to miss seeing my friends on a weekly basis. Art school is ending too, this Thursday (AKA, Crazy Week) is the last school-day-week of the semester. Then the Thursday after will be the Art Revue were all the artwork is showcased and there are performances from various dance classes and such. I am taking five classes; Figure Drawing, Choir, Portrait, Drawing, & Painting. For each class we have a final that will be shown in the Art Revue, and I think that I will have all my art work completed in time. In choir I have a solo part, Yay! *Excitement* . By the way, this Thursday is called 'Crazy Week' because everybody is cramming to get there finals done and everything is pretty much 'crazy' ;). 
    As far as devotions go, it's been a struggle... Right now my older brother and I are looking for a youth group. But it's hard to find one that has teens that are trying to focus on God, so were just praying that we will find the right place for us. Otherwise things are going well, God has provided for our family this past year and we feel truly blessed.
    Right now it's almost midnight, so I think I am going to close this letter... ;)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 12!!!

Hello Everyone! (I'm sorry about being behind in my posting, it's been real busy!) It is now past day twelve of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 12#
~Nicknames you have & how or why you have them.~

Oooh! This is a fun one! Well, let's see... Here are my nicknames:

When my cousins were little they couldn't say 'Adriana', so they combined my name and the word 'banana', and... Wa-La! It made 'Abananna'! ;)

I still have no idea how my siblings started calling me 'I'. It makes no sense to this day even, but for some reason they reffered to me as that; I think it has something to do with the fact that my name is a lil' long and hard to pronounce for kids. Every now and then they still call me 'I', it has just become my alternate name :)

I like this nickname best of all ;) Since I'm the oldest girl I get to be called Sissy, and I like it ☻

For softball, this was my nickname; It was short, simple, and easy. Now I use it as a camp name and it stands for 'Air Conditioner'. I love it when people call me by my camp name, it's just so much fun! :)

I'm sure there are other nicknames... But none that pop in my head at the moment. ;)

Well, have a blessed day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sing-A-Song Weekend!!!

Hello y'all!
Welcome to another sing a song weekend!!! The song I chose is one that I find very inspiring. Maybe you will find some insperation from it too :)

♪ Have a blessed week ♫
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 11!!!

Hello Everyone! It is past day 11 of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 11#
~A picture of something you dislike~

 Ok, I totally dislike creepy-crawly Spiders! Eeep!
Now I know there must be some reason that God created spiders, I just don't know what that reason is... Perhaps I'll figure it out someday ;)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 10!!!

Hello Everyone! Sorry about the super late post, I've been so busy lately! Well anyways; It is now day ten of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 10#
~A story about what you were like when you were a child~

Growing up I was a complete brat. Oh... I might have looked cute, but that doesn't deny the fact that I was spoiled. There was reason for my being spoiled though; I was the baby of the family, the only girl (At The Time), & I was my papa's girl. All that equaled to me getting away with mischief. I could antagonize my brother all I liked, and without worrying about getting in trouble too -I knew my dad would side with me. All that changed though when I was nearing age 7 and my little brother, Ezekiel, was born. I was still the only girl though :) Almost two years later and my little sister, Angelina, was born. Now, I was replaced. Two year later, and the twins were born. That left me to being the big sister, and second mother to my siblings.

All in all though, I am soooo glad that I am no longer the baby or only girl in the family. If it had remained that way, I would probably be so immature and spoiled to this day. I will admit though that every now and then I miss those days before my other siblings. But on the other hand, I can't imagine my life without em'! :)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo ♥

Monday, January 10, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 9!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day nine of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 9#
~A Quote to Reflect Upon~

"There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't, 
and that's a wife who can't cook and will. "
*haha*, ok. I find this a bit humorous ;)
As far as reflecting upon this quote goes; I suggest that you learn to cook before ya get married. I have been trying to learn different cooking techniques lately so that I can become a good cook -And someday when I have a  family, I will be able to feed them something that isn't 'carmalized' (AKA, Burnt).
Here is a baking bio that I wrote a while back:

"...Growing up I never would have guessed that I would be capable of becoming a baker. It's not that I didn't have a desire to bake, on the contrary I was always willing to make a dessert. Sadley though, my attempts in the kitchen would somehow end in catastrophe. Whether it was undercooking, overcooking, starting a fire in the oven, or forgetting to add a few ingredients; it never failed that the garbage would end up having to be taken out afterward. Of course, this all happened when I was nine to twelve years old.

Besides the classic mistakes of raw and burnt desserts, other things happened too.... Did you know that it is never smart to stick a fork in a Kitchen Aid mixer, while it is mixing? Or what about the definitions of Confectioners Sugar and Granulated Sugar, did you know that there is a difference between the two? -These are just a few of the mistakes that I made, and they generally ended with me being grounded from baking for a little while..."

If ya haven't already figured out, I've had my fair share of kitchen disasters ;)
Have you had any Kitchen mishaps? I would love to hear about em! :)

Have a blessed day! And May you find joy in cooking ;)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Did you know...

That life is too short not to wear red shoes? ;)

Polka Dot is hosting a blog giveaway!
To Enter, Click Here

Sunday, January 9, 2011

You Can Enter...

A Fantastic blogging giveaway!!!
Faithfully Feminine is hosting a Giveaway, and you can enter! :)

As part of my entry, I am supposed to answer the following:

Why do you blog?
Because I love to write and hope that maybe my blogging will reach out to someone

  What is your favorite meal?
hmmm... I don't know, my favorite food is watermelon though :)

Name one thing you like about my blog.
The cute blog header

Name one thing you dislike about my blog.
hmm... Ya Know, I think your blog is cute and matches your personality and who you are :)

What is your favorite book?
Anything by Janette Oke

What is your favorite song?
Someday Soon by Franccesca Battistelli

  MP3 or iPod?
MP3 all the way ;)

  TV or Movie?
Movie!!! :D

Ice cream or Cookies?
Ice Cream

Action or Romance?
Romance ;)

A Favorite Blogging Experience?
When I got my first Blog response, it totally made my day! :)

Don't ya love Blog giveaway's? There so much fun! :)
Have a splendid day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 8#!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day eight of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 8#
~short term goals for this month~
hmmm... Ya know, I haven't taken much thought to what my short term goals are. 

Perhaps one is to try and draw a picture every month, since I haven't focused on my art too much out of class. Then at the end of the year I would have 12 completed drawings, and hopefully that will keep me from getting rusty.

Another could be to work on being patient. I can so easily get stressed and become frustrated, then I pretty much can snap at any moment to any of my family. I don't like that, and it's something that I have been wanting to change. But for that to happen I need to seek God for help, because I can't do it on my own.

Lastly, I want to become wiser with my money. So I have asked my mom to help me learn how to budget. I don't make a whole lot on a monthly basis, not that I really need any, but I think it's a fundamental skill that I should learn sooner than later. Especially since I will have to learn to save for car insurance when I get a job next school year.

So those are my goals :) 
What goals do you have?

Have a blessed day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sing-A-Song Weekend!!!

Hey Y'all!
Here is another S.A.S Weekend! :)
This week's song is one that I found very uplifting and encouraging;

♫ May you be joyfully singing this weekend, using your voice to praise the King ♪

 ~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge, Day 7!!!

Hello Everyone! It is now day seven of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 7#
~A Picture Of Someone Who Has Had A Big Impact On You~

A Person who has had a big impact on me is my dear friend, Emily.
I first got to know Emily through my Youth Group, she was my small group leader. Throughout the year we got to know each other, and we found out that we had a lot in common -only she was several years older than me, of course.

Something that was very impacting on me, was the way how Emily encouraged me. You see, I have always felt like my spiritual life was inadequate. I felt like everyone had this great relationship with God, and I didn't. And because I didn't have that real close relationship, God would never use me for anything -and I would probably never become more than a christian 'wanna-be'. I'd probably live my life endlessly trying to attain a relationship with him, and never attain the relationship that I wanted.

Well, Emily never saw me in that way. I remember one day she told me that God was going to do great things with me, and that he has a plan for me. Nobody had ever told me that before, and those words that she spoke to me were words that deep inside I was longing to hear. I longed for someone to believe in me, and tell me that I had a purpose. And it gave me hope, as well as it pushed me to strive -so that one day I would do great things.- Because I wanted what Emily said, to come true.

Deep within all our hearts, I think we all long for someone to believe in us. And I want to thank Emily for believing in me and encouraging me these past few years.

Have a blessed day,
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Be strong in the Lord and, Never give Up Hope
You're Going to do great things, I already know
He's got his hand on you so, don't live life in fear
Forgive and Forget, But don't forget why you're here
Take your time and pray -These are the words I would say
~The Words I Would Say, By Sidewalk Prophets

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Feminine Fashion Week, Day Six!!!

Here is today's outfit for (Modest) Feminine Fashion Week:

~Day 6, Outfit 6~

My Outfit:
A Magenta colored Sweater from Kmart
A Floral Print Skirt, Garage Sale

Skirt Pattern:

Fave Black Flats:

My Hair; today I twisted it around my fingers after I got out of the shower so that it would make perfect ringlets:

Butterfly Earrings, a gift from my Grandmother:

So that is day 6, hope ya enjoyed!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge!!! Day 6#

To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 6#
~A Hobby You Have~

hmm... Well, I have a few hobby's that I could share, but I suppose that I should just pick one... I guess I will share with you my hobby of art :)

I have always been one to doodle. All through my life I have doodles on my homework, notebooks, and when I was little; the wall. ;) Even to this day I still doodle, but I have also learned how to complete a total drawing by attending MSOA (Masters School Of Art). They taught me how to draw a picture from start to finish, and how to draw from real life photos. My teachers were very encouraging and patient when I first started to learn how to draw, and I am so thankful to have had such wonderful teachers. 
Here are the drawing that I completed my first term (Spring of 2010):

My First Portrait:

My First Animal Drawing:

My First Basic Drawing:

My First Color Pencil:

My First Painting:

My Second Painting:

I enjoy my art as a hobby and maybe one day I will expand it to be more than a hobby, but who knows? :)
If you have any hobby's then I would love to hear about it, just comment below
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge!!! Day 5#

Hello Everyone! It is now day five of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:
The Blog Challenge
Day 5#
~A picture of somewhere you’ve been to~
So this past summer, my Grandparents took my cousin and I to Seattle. We visited the Space Needle,  took a ride on a Duck boat, and went to Pikes Market.

Looking up, while standing below the space needle

A view from on top of the space needle

The Duck Boat that we rode in
(They call it a duck boat because it can go from road to water, and not sink!)

My Grandmother, My Cousin Carole, and I as we are about to board the Duck Boat

A Bouquet of flowers I got at Pikes Market, Aren't they pretty?

So that's all the pictures that I'm going to share with y'all -All in all, it was a fun trip :)
Feel free to comment and tell me any place that you visited in the year of 2010;
I would love to hear about it!
Yours Truly,
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Feminine Fashion Week, Day Five!!!

Hello Everybody! 
I was actually supossed to post this yesterday, but blogger wasn't loading on my computer. So, I will be posting day 5 & 6 today. (I'll post day 6 separate)

~Day 5, Outfit 5~

My Outfit:
Blue Jeans
White T-Shirt

Blue and White Striped Scarf:


My Tenni-Shoes

Blue Bracelet:

So that is day 5's outfit! :)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Feminine Fashion Week, Day Four!!!

Hello Everybody!
And hereis another outfit for (Modest) Feminine Fashion Week!
(Sorry about such a late post, it's been a really busy day!)

~Day 4, Outfit 4~

My Outfit:
Black Jeans
Fuisha colored shirt with built in belt
A Black Sweater

Face Close-Up:

My Fave Black Flats:

A Heart Necklace:

Butterfly Earrings:

Pink & Black Bracelet:

The Jewelry doesn't totally match today, but everything is black, fuisha pink, or silver :)
Hope ya enjoyed, and have a lovely day!

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge!!! Day 4#

Hello Everyone! It is now day four of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:

Day 4#
~List 15 songs that you listen to often~

Your Not Alone
By, Meredith Andrews

Walk by Faith
by, Jeremy Camp

My own little world
By, Mathew West

The Lost Get Found
By, Britt Nicole

Let it Fade
By, Jeremy Camp

Living for Today
By, Natalie Grant

By, Natalie Grant

The Words I would say
By, Sidewalk Prophets

What Faith Can Do
By, Kutless

My Tree
By, Chris Rice

More Beautiful You
By, Jonny Diaz

Hanging On
By, Britt Nicole

Walk on the Water
By, Britt Nicole

By, Steven Curtis Chapman

Someday Soon
By, Francesca Battistelli

How's that for 15? ;)  If there are any songs that you know of that you would like to share, then comment below. I am always open to broadening my music listening -And who knows, I may mention the song on a future post. Well anyways, All I can say is:
I ♥ Music!!!

May God Bless and Encourage you through music and in everything you do!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Monday, January 3, 2011

Feminine Fashion Week, Day 3!!!

Hello y'all! It's now day three of (Modest) Feminine Fashion Week!!! So here is todays outfit:
~Day 3, Outfit 3~

My Outfit:
A red T-shirt
A Red/Black/Grey plaid skirt

The Skirt Material:

Winter Boots, from Payless:

Black Earrings:

Red Bracelet, from Mexico:

So that's my outfit! :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

30 Day Blog Challenge!!! Day 3#

 Hello Again! It is now day three of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:
The Blog Challenge
Day 3#
~A habit that you wish you didn't have~

hmmm.... I would have to say....

It would have to be nail biting. I don't do it that often, but occasionally when I become nervous or bored I bight my nails.

So I guess the secret is out... ;)
Have a good day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

A Mentors Importance

Dear Readers,
     Today I am filled with excitement as I am getting ready to go hang out with one of my sweet friends. One of the reasons why I am looking forward to hanging out with my friend, is because this person is more than a friend to me. She has been my 'Big Sister' these past few years, and I consider her as my mentor. I believe that it is important that every person has a mentor that they can trust and talk to.
So why do I feel it important that a person has a mentor? Well, I can only answer that question with another question -What is a mentor?

The Merriam Webster Dictionary, states that a Mentor is: "a trusted counselor or guide", Their key words are 'Tutor' & 'Coach'.

My definition of a mentor, from a christian point of view, is a person who can help guide you through your christian walk. For me, this person is usually not a full blown adult, but rather a young adult that is anywhere from 3-8 years older than me (If your an adult then you will probably relate more with adults, but me being a youth -I tend to relate to young adults). This person is someone that I feel I have a connection with, and someone that I trust. This person understands me and truly cares for me, and therefore, they help me when I stumble -and encourage me when I take a step in the right direction.

Your mentor can be anyone: A Parent, Pastor, or just a friend. Generally, a persons mentor is of somebody of the same gender (I don't see many guys going to a girl and pouring out there life story unless the two are in a relationship together). And now that you know what a mentor is, we can move on to my original question; Why do I feel it important that a person has a mentor?

I feel it's important because often times, an older person has had more experiences and therefore can lead you through common trials of life. They can sometimes keep you in check; when they see that you are drifting in your faith, they show there concern for your well being and try to help and encourage you. And in turn, a mentor can greatly impact your spiritual walk with the Lord in a positive way.

Therefore, I feel that a mentor is something that everyone should have. Not only has my mentor impacted my life spiritually, but she is also someone that I look up to. You see, since I am the oldest girl in my family and I don't have big sisters to teach me things, my mentor has kind of inspired me to become a Godly woman in the things I do. Let me explain better; She has inspired me to dress modestly, to be a homemaker, and to stay pure (physically & emotionally) while waiting for my Prince Charming. 

And one day I hope that I can be a 'Big-Sister' to someone, just like my mentor has been to me :)

~Miss.Adriana Castillo ♥

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Photo Contest Entry

Hello to all my blogger friends :)
     So.... I have decided to enter in a photo contest hosted by A Simple Farmgirl. To chck out her Blog, click Here.

Here is my Photo Entry:

~Miss.Adriana Castillo

Feminine Fashion Week, Day Two!!!

Hi Everybody!  
Welcome to day two of (Modest) Feminine Fashion week!

~Day 2, Outfit 2~

My Outfit:
A Blue Shirt from Kmart
A Flower Print skirt from...somewhere...
(Just because it's the dead of winter, doesn't mean that ya can't brighten things up with a splash of Spring! ;)

The Print of my skirt:

My Comfy purple flats, From Payless:

My Hairstyle, Naturally Curly:

 My Hair Accessory:

My Butterfly Earrings, a gift from a friend:

My Heart Bracelet, a gift from my Grandparents:

So that is my second outfit for Feminine Fashion week! :)
Have a Blessed day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo
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