Dear Readers,
Today I am filled with excitement as I am getting ready to go hang out with one of my sweet friends. One of the reasons why I am looking forward to hanging out with my friend, is because this person is more than a friend to me. She has been my 'Big Sister' these past few years, and I consider her as my mentor. I believe that it is important that every person has a mentor that they can trust and talk to.
So why do I feel it important that a person has a mentor? Well, I can only answer that question with another question -What is a mentor?
The Merriam Webster Dictionary, states that a Mentor is: "a trusted counselor or guide", Their key words are 'Tutor' & 'Coach'.
My definition of a mentor, from a christian point of view, is a person who can help guide you through your christian walk. For me, this person is usually not a full blown adult, but rather a young adult that is anywhere from 3-8 years older than me (If your an adult then you will probably relate more with adults, but me being a youth -I tend to relate to young adults). This person is someone that I feel I have a connection with, and someone that I trust. This person understands me and truly cares for me, and therefore, they help me when I stumble -and encourage me when I take a step in the right direction.
Your mentor can be anyone: A Parent, Pastor, or just a friend. Generally, a persons mentor is of somebody of the same gender (I don't see many guys going to a girl and pouring out there life story unless the two are in a relationship together). And now that you know what a mentor is, we can move on to my original question; Why do I feel it important that a person has a mentor?
I feel it's important because often times, an older person has had more experiences and therefore can lead you through common trials of life. They can sometimes keep you in check; when they see that you are drifting in your faith, they show there concern for your well being and try to help and encourage you. And in turn, a mentor can greatly impact your spiritual walk with the Lord in a positive way.
Therefore, I feel that a mentor is something that everyone should have. Not only has my mentor impacted my life spiritually, but she is also someone that I look up to. You see, since I am the oldest girl in my family and I don't have big sisters to teach me things, my mentor has kind of inspired me to become a Godly woman in the things I do. Let me explain better; She has inspired me to dress modestly, to be a homemaker, and to stay pure (physically & emotionally) while waiting for my Prince Charming.
And one day I hope that I can be a 'Big-Sister' to someone, just like my mentor has been to me :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo ♥
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~Miss.Adriana Castillo