Monday, August 29, 2011

Where I have been this summer

There has been so much change in my life lately. I guess that that is part of why I love Summer; there is always so many things that happen unexpectantly and I never quite understand why, but always later on God shows me his purpose. Do you ever feel that way?

Well, this Summer has been exhilarating and busier than any other; Which is ironic considering that in May I was worried about what I would even do to fill up my time. I remember being upset because I could not go on a mission trip like I had before and my usual position of camp counselor was unavailable since the summer camp I used to work at closed down. I know that my attitude at that time must have been terrible, but to me it seemed like my whole summer would be.... shall we say, boring. And to top it all off, I was not able to go on the youth beach retreat because I had signed up to doggysit my grandmothers dogs (And I don't even like dogs!). -You can probably tell from this paragraph that I have had my fair share of complaining moments, which is something that I am still working on.

I ended up unexpectantly getting signed up for 2 VBS's, the first one I was a leader and the second one I was the photographer. I absolutely loved doing both, and can now see some of what God was teaching me at that time; I learned how to lead a group, have more patience, and have fun :) . I also was an assistant art teacher for a week.... I am still wondering what all God's purpose was for me on that one. It was definitely a new experience though. Then I got to Doggysit. I was kind of nervouse about this one because it required me to stay the night at my grandmothers house... alone.... and for 10 nights..... I know for sure that I most definitely relied on God during that time because it was a bit (more like a lot) scary. Especially considering that my house always has 8 people sleeping in it and my dad is always the one to lock the place up at night. But I did have three dogs with me and they would bark if anyone or thing came near. And last but not least, our house sold after being on the market for 6 weeks :) . Which also means that we have been busy packing and boxing things up. And in about two weeks we will be out of this house and staying with my aunt until we find a new house for us to buy. We feel so blessed though to have sold this house so quickly and in time for the new school year.

I guess now you can see a little of why I haven't been blogging for a while.... It will be good though once school starts because I get my own laptop from the school since it's a web academy, and then I can blog even if the rest of my family is using the home computer.

Oh, and the other thing I've been doing is helping my mom with our homeschool soccer league. It's almost time for the season to start and so we have been receiving registrations and entering them into our database and such. I'm looking forward to another good year of soccer! :)

I hope all of you have had an amazing summer full of surprises and that preperation for the coming school year goes well. I'm looking forward to catching up on all of my blogging friends posts from the past few weeks! :)

I have another post in mind, so stay tuned ;)

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