Sunday, January 30, 2011

MSOA Artwork

So last Thursday was the art revue for MSOA (Masters School of Art), and I thought I would share with y'all the artwork that I completed and entered.

For the picture below, we had a guy named Stevo come in to our figure drawing class and model for us. He was very nice and sat still for a whole hour while we drew him. It was my first time taking Figure Drawing, so I was happy with my progress :)

For this photo, my teacher had given each of us a clipping from a Macy's catalog that had a model on it. We then drew it within the class hour. (Figure Drawing Class)

In my Drawing 2 class, we learned how to make our own original artwork by piecing together different elements and drawing them on paper. For Example; I found a picture of ducks, a picture of mountains, a picture of cattails, and took a picture of my lil sis with an umbrella: I then pieced it all together to create this:

In Portrait 2, I drew a picture of my little brother:

Well, that's all my artwork for this term :) I am so blessed and thankful that God has given me this talent, and I hope to use it to minister to others someday.
Have a blessed day!
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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Please speak through the love of God in anything that you write. Thank you :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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