Hello Everyone! It is now day thirteen of the 30 day blog challenge!!!
To learn more about my blog challenge, click this link:
Day 13#
~Write a letter to yourself about what your week was like~
Dear Self,
Life has been busy... I've been working on schoolwork from morning to night and trying to make sure I get all of it done. Today I had leadership class -It teaches about how to be an effective leader- And today was the last class of the semester :( *Sniffle*. It was sad that it's now over, because it was my favorite class and I'm going to miss seeing my friends on a weekly basis. Art school is ending too, this Thursday (AKA, Crazy Week) is the last school-day-week of the semester. Then the Thursday after will be the Art Revue were all the artwork is showcased and there are performances from various dance classes and such. I am taking five classes; Figure Drawing, Choir, Portrait, Drawing, & Painting. For each class we have a final that will be shown in the Art Revue, and I think that I will have all my art work completed in time. In choir I have a solo part, Yay! *Excitement* . By the way, this Thursday is called 'Crazy Week' because everybody is cramming to get there finals done and everything is pretty much 'crazy' ;).
As far as devotions go, it's been a struggle... Right now my older brother and I are looking for a youth group. But it's hard to find one that has teens that are trying to focus on God, so were just praying that we will find the right place for us. Otherwise things are going well, God has provided for our family this past year and we feel truly blessed.
Right now it's almost midnight, so I think I am going to close this letter... ;)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo
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Please speak through the love of God in anything that you write. Thank you :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo