Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Joy of Singles Awareness Day

As I write this I am surprised at myself for I have refused all these years to call Valentines Day Singles Awareness Day, yet I just felt it was so fitting for this post. 

I have often viewed Valentines Day as a day of roses and chocolates. I remember always wishing I had a special someone, or even "you-know-who" send me a valentine. Yet this year is a different time for me. I am actually very happy to not have to deal with all that stuff. Your probably thinking I have three heads right about now, I mean, what girl doesn't want some cutie pie knocking on their door with a bouquet of roses?

Well I have been reflecting a lot lately on how I used to always want to be married. I dreamed of getting married right after high school, which is approaching very soon as I speak. Yet I think now of how I have so many dreams and desires: I want to be free to start my career and move on with my life. I long for independance, and as horrible as it seems, I think that a dude would only be a hinderance to my life. If I had some guy that I had to spend time with then I think I'd go crazy, just because I really want to just be my own person at this time.
Something that has come to realization to me is that relationships require so much work. I feel as though I am struggling now with the relationships that I do have and trying to maintain them when I have so much going on at this time. And boyfriends require even more time because that is a somewhat-romantic type of relationship where you try to get to know each other on more than just a friendship level.

So all in all this Valentines day has been one focused on the love for my family and being ever so grateful that I don't have a dude right now. Although I still want to get married eventually, I also really want to be able to live out my dreams and do the things that God has created me to be capable of doing. When the time is right though I know that God will bring me back to that desire of wanting to have a relationship with someone, but until then I am excited to move on with my life and continue to just be me :)

I wish all of you though a Happy Valentines Day!
And if you do have a special someone then I hope that you enjoy this holiday together ♥


1 comment:

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~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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