Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sing A Song :)

This is a totally up beat song that I love and it's by Toby Mac :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Not just hearing, but listening...

Sometimes I think we as humans (I included) tend to hear but not listen. I think though that this is a fault in us, as it allows us to block out others when they maybe pouring out their hearts to us. Something that made me think of this is when one of my co-workers said that he listens to every single word his daughter says because even though she says 100 words a minute, he knows that in-between every few words is a piece of her heart.

I think about all those times when I block out what people are telling me, whether at work, home or school and how I am hearing -but not listening. And it saddens me when I think of all the people that I have interacted with, that are just waiting for someone to read in-between the lines of what they are saying because they want support or encouragement -yet no one listens.

Then Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Mark 4:9

Sometimes this can be a challenge, other times it can be easy.
It's easy when you are listening to your best friend, after all, he/she probably has a lot of things in common with you and you enjoy one another s presence or else you would not be best friends.
It's hard when the someone whos talking to you is someone that you don't get along with, or a coworker/school chum that is living there life completely different than you see fit - because judgment can easily place a veil over your ears in such times.

My chanllenge for myself and you is to reach out and listen to the people that aren't so easy to listen to, for me that's a coworker that is completely unhappy with her life and every word she says is negative but yet I can see the hurt and anger that she seems to be struggling with. For you it could be a coworker, school friend, or maybe even a family member.

No matter who it is, listen to each words they say, and don't expect them to flat out say " I want you to encourage me" or "I am hurting right now", because not anyone I can think of would flat out say that. Read inbetween the lines as best as you can and get to the root of what they are telling you.

Know this, my beloved brothers. Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath;
James 1:19
Many blessings to you throughout this week,

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Free Will

The whole thing of free will can be a hard concept to understand. It's easy to blame God for things that happen. It's easy to say that because God has power to change things but instead allows horrible things to happen to you that He is at fault. There has been periods of my life overtime that I was mad at God and telling myself those things.

Now I've moved on with my life and am serving God, but there are others that I have met lately that are going through that stage. It's hard to know what to tell people when they are hurt and wounded, but I started thinking about it today and kind of fit together everything I have learned from the bible and going to church and I understand what it means by "free will".

God doesn't make things bad occur to us, he doesn't stop it from happening at times, but it's not Him who created the issue -it's the sin of man that creates our problems, which is backed up by Satan as well. It's because we have the choice and freedom to live our lives as we please that we run into problems.

 It's when we don't want to own up to mistakes that we have made, or when we are not willing to forgive others of the wrong that they have done to us that we then point the finger to God. You can have the same scenario happen to two different people and yet have different results based on the victims ability to forgive or blame. A story I heard on the radio was about a woman whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Now you can either a) Forgive the man for his wrongs and continue to praise God through the storm, or b) blame the man for doing wrong and blame God. You see, you can't continue to have a good relationship with God if you have a grudge against someone. So even if you think that your not having any anger towards God but torwards a person, it really does not matter because that is hindering you from growing closer to him.

So to sum it up, because of free will people make mistakes and sin, and because of sin we have hardships. With those hardships we can choose to forgive or to blame, and what we choose will depend on how depressing or joyful our life is.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that the next time someone tells you their story, and shares with you how they are mad at God, you can explain to them how it's not God that causes there woes and do your best to encourage them to forgive either themselves or others for the hardships.

Maybe you already knew that. For me it wasn't that I didn't know that God isn't responsible for life problems, because we are taught that all throughout church, but it was more of the actual understanding that I was struggling with. There is a difference between knowing and understanding, and I am happy to have finally pieced it all together :)

Anyways, that's just been on my mind lately...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello everyone!
I feel like my blog is so lonely right now and in need of attention since I've been neglecting it so! That's why I thought I should start by writing this post :)

So much has happened in my life:

I had my senior pictures taken/I graduated

I got my first car! It's a blue Buick, but I haven't really taken any pictures yet....

I made my second wedding cake! 

I did some paintings!

I am still steadily working around 40 hours a week, which makes things pretty busy, and hard to find time to do stuff like blogging, especially since I go to bed at 8pm so that I can get up at 4am for work. I am looking forward to the fourth of July though!
Right now I am making what's called "Patriotic Dessert", Yum!!!

I am thinking about an in depth post to write, but for now you are pretty caught up in my life :)

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