It was our church's winter retreat and we were on our way to the beach in a big van. My friend, let's call her Sally, was sitting with me during the ride. Her and I have never been super close friends, partially because she is a very closed type of person and we only interact once a week. Never the less, we have been friends for the past year. During the car ride we somehow got to talking about our personal lives and she started telling me about how her parents came home with divorce papers and there was a lot of other stuff that had really been eating up at her. What really hit me though was that she told me, that three weeks ago, she was about to take her life. She was so near the breaking point that she was willing to end her own life.
It rattled me that a friend of mine almost committed suicide and yet I never saw it coming. I didn't take the time to talk to her about her personal life or seek to understand the hurt that she was going through. It was one of those times where you just feel your heart sink and it made me think of how I was so self centered that I didn't take the time to seek the needs of my friends and I almost lost that friend.
This has weighed heavy on my mind ever since. I am glad though that she shared this with me because I think it is something that God will use to impact my life. Not only can I now be there for my friend, but it has also alerted me of how there are so many other people that are struggling with things and that I need to be there more for those that I really care about. And even those that I don't know, I need to show Jesus's love towards them even if it's just being polite at the Grocery store, or helping a little girl tie her shoes. Even the little things count and people will recognize that genuine God-filled-spirit that is shining through you. It may just brighten there day or encourage them.
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves
Philippians 2:3
All I can say to you is to examine your own lives and ask yourself if you are thinking only of yourself as I was. I can't say much more for I am still going through this myself, but I hope that this will encourage you to be there for your friends and those around you.
wow, powerfullll. <3
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I was in a similar situation just a couple months ago. Reminds me of the song "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath.