Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Post of Christmas Ramblings

 Although I haven't made a post in several days and am unsure what to even write about, I decided that a random post of Christmas ramblings was due ☺ 

Lets just start with rambling 1# : I am sick of Christmas music!
I always thought my mom was crazy for being annoyed with Christmas music but now I finally get it; It is just downright annoying at how much of it they play and how slow and droaning it is at that! The ones on the christian radio station aren't even that upbeat! They sing in the lowest voice that I have never even thought possible and at a very slow pace at that. It is lullabying in a irritating sort of way. 
Alright so if you absolutely LOVE Christmas music then you probably think I came from Mars, but I will be happy to listen to some upbeat normal music that lifts my spirits a bit more. 

Rambling 2# : Why can't gifts be outlawed?
With the title of this rambling you might be wondering if something is loose inside my head, but don't worry, I am quite certain of what I just said; Gifts should be outlawed! Alright, I might be being a bit extreme, but if you knew my family then perhaps you would agree. Year after Year my grandparents make this big production of getting their part of the family together to eat, and squeeze together family that, for reasons I don't understand, doesn't get along well: and someone always ends up crying and everyone has to open up gifts and squeeze into this crampt space, Snap! Snap! Say Cheese! and then in a whirlwind the night is over and you feel as if you have been hot and sweaty listening to people make nicey-nice talk just to be glaring at each other at the next family event. Alright, so my extended family is far from perfect.... But I guess what the point of this is that I get so tired of everything being about the gifts. Thats what it honestly feels like at some of those get-togethers. A few years ago my family went to Mexico to spend Christmas with my dads family, and that Christmas was the best day of my life! All of the family get's together and helps cook the meal, there is no stress or tension, just laughter and joy of spending time together. All 30 something cousins get together and break out the board games, which is a blast! We stayed up till 3am playing games, eating, and just having fun. At 11pm my tia broke out the boombox to some dance music, and the adults had fun with that and just talking. Gifts were not even a thought, that would have completely ruined the moment.

So I am not saying gifts are bad, for they can be very touching and sweet, but when gifts start to consume, that is when it's not so sweet. Really what Christmas is about is the gift of Jesus being born to us, and that is what the focus should always be on. I still get my immediate family gifts though, and we cherish the moments of being together on Christmas day as a family :)

Rambling 3# : Christmas Cookies make me Happy ☺
I absolutely love making Christmas Cookies! They are pretty and so much fun to decorate ♥ Lately I have been trying my best to make super beautiful cookies, although they do take a bit longer to make.... We recently had a cookie party were I used the exact amount of a 10 pound bag of flour to make cookies. Let's just say that there was well over 200 cookies when all was said and done! That day I had upped my experience in rolling out cookies and cutting them out, to the point that I didn't want to see a cookie ever again ;) 

Rambling 4# : I am in love with snowflakes!
Lately I seem to be going through a snowflake stage, their just so pretty! I love drawing them, making cookies that look like them, and writing about them! So yes, I love blue or white snowflakes, whether real, drawn on paper, or on a cookie, they are just so pretty looking ♥

Rambling 5# : Christmas Tea!
For some it may be cocoa, for others egg-nog, but for me it's tea! I love tea; whether it's chai, english breakfast, or raspberry -it's all amazingly delicious! Nothing quite warms me up like a good ole cup of tea. And especially with Christmas, I find myself loving it even more ♥

If time permits then I may post a song or something short on my blog, but otherwise I mya not make a post until after the holidays.

I pray that all of you readers have a blessed and merry Christmas!


  1. Come and see my two posts from this week on christmas!

  2. You will see why I am sick of this holiday but not of chris:)


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Please speak through the love of God in anything that you write. Thank you :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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