Thursday, November 3, 2011

Assuming Purpose

Just this morning I was icing my sisters birthday cake (she is now 7 :) and my mind started to wander off thinking about some things that I have been pushing to the back of my mind and trying to ignore. They were thoughts of doubt. And they were doubts about my purpose. That may or may not make sense, but it seems like more often I have felt sure about what God has made me to do. To minister to other girls. And I have also been thinking of going on a mission trip this summer after I graduate to pursue my heart of ministering through some type of organization. But I am beginning to wonder  if I have gotten to the point were I am assuming God's plan for me rather than asking him for guidance, which is a huge no-no in a christian walk.

Does God really want me to be going on a missions trip at this point in my life? Is the path of baking for college what he wants me to do? Or is there something completely different that he has planned for me? These questions seem to be swirling in my head and I am just feeling the need to read my bible and pray for direction for I feel so lost now with what I am really meant to do. I have never felt such a need for answers in my life until now that the weight of these questions seem to heavy to bear. If any of you have any suggestions of bible verses then I would much appreciate them, and I would be ever so grateful for your prayers.

Thank you to all my readers, you gals encourage me so much! ♥

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~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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