Monday, December 27, 2010

My Pondering Thoughts

Hello Dear Friends,
    So I've been wondering what I should write about on my blog as a post. I couldn't really think of anything though, so I decided to just write about what I have been pondering lately. More recently, I have been thinking a lot on what I want to become. Not just career, or plans of being a stay-at-home mom, but more of what type of person I want to be. I guess you could call these things 'attributes'.
    Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to have a lot of role models -people that I admire for certain quality's or another. I won't share all my longings with you, but I will share a few ;)
  • I want to become someone who has patience
  • I want to become an encouragement to people 
  • I would love to become one of those people who are positive to be around, even in the hardest of times/situation they can always see a bright side to it 
  • ect....
    Maybe now you can have a better understanding of what I mean by thinking of what I want to become. What the hard part is though, is becoming that type of person. And sometimes, it's good to just look at yourself for who you are. Don't look at what you think you will become, or what you were, but look at who you are right now.  Once you know who you are this very instant, then you can move on to what you want to become. And from there, you can make a plan of action to how you will become that way.
Right now, I am working on trying to become a person of encouragement. When I see that somebody is putting a lot of effort into whatever they are doing, I try to tell them that they are doing a great job. Also, when I can see that people are struggling/feeling discouraged, that is also a good time to try and say an encouraging word or two.
    You will only become the person you wish to be, when you put in your effort by seeking God and asking for his guidance. He can lead you in the right direction and help you along the way. Why is he willing to help you? Because he takes joy and pleasure in his children trying to become a person who reflects God. Sometimes I have had to remind myself that God is the Ultimate encourager, and if I truly want to become an encouraging person, then I need to look to him to guide me. And I feel so very blessed that God has put such amazing friends in my life that reflect God, because it encourages me to strive to become more of a reflection of God as well.

Have a blessed day
    Miss.Adriana Castillo

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Please speak through the love of God in anything that you write. Thank you :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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