Thursday, February 2, 2012

Being Happy for Others

Last time I wrote it was about joy. Well this post goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. Not only are you to be filled with joy, but it is also part of our christianity that says that we are to rejoice for others.Now it is easy to be happy for your best friend when she (or he) has something wonderful happen. It's not so easy now to rejoice for those that have hurt us in some way.
My struggles have been dealing with people that I feel hurt by. Not physically, of course, I'm talking about emotionally. This qualifies people that are rude to you, mean, or have hurt someone close to you {such as family and friends}. Our first instinct when something good happens to these people is to be filled with rage. At least for me it is. Sometimes I will think stuff like "If everyone knew how mean they really where then nobody would want to be around them or nice to them" or other mean thoughts.
Well first of all these types of thoughts are shadowed by jealousy, although that is a completely different matter to be talked about another time. Secondly, why is it that I am persecuting those whom are being blessed? It is not my place to judge. I am not the one to say whether they deserve this or not. What I am called to do though is rejoice for them.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 
Romans 12:15

Rejoicing for those that I feel like are my 'enemys' is one of the hardest things I have had to learn. What I have found though, is that when I rejoice for those people, or stop mid-mean-thought to pray for them; I am much more happy and filled with less bitterness. Thinking such thoughts can be like carrying a lead weight, yet when you lift your hurts up to God and ask Him for peaceful thoughts it's like weight has been removed.

In the bible Jesus tells us to let him carry our yoke, so that we can carry His:
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Mathew 11:29-30

So I encourage you to let go of the hurts you feel towards those that have hurt you and show the love towards them that Jesus has shown towards us. 

Many Blessings,

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Please speak through the love of God in anything that you write. Thank you :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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