Thursday, October 27, 2011

Your Roadblock to Jesus

During Youth Group last Sunday we listened to the song Here I Go Again by Casting Crowns, and we focused on what the lyrics said and how that applies to us. Here is a clipping of the lyrics;

'Cause here I go again
Talkin 'bout the rain
And mulling over things that won't live past today
And as I dance around the truth
Time is not his friend
This might be my last chance to tell him
That You love Him
But here I go again, here I go again
But how then will he know what he has never heard
Lord he has never seen mirrored in my life
What am I so afraid of?
How then will he know
What he has never heard
 ~Here I go Again, by Casting Crowns

These lyrics were so convicting, especially with the last phrase that states that people will not know what they don't hear. Meaning that if we don't tell others about Jesus then they will not even have the chance to know him. That is such a heavy responsibility that we carry as Christians, yet we tend to ignore it. What stops us from telling others about our Savior? I know what stops me. Fear. Is that what stops you too? I'm guessing that is probably so. But just as the lyrics said, what am I so afraid of? Perhaps not knowing the answers to questions they may ask. Being put down. Having people judge me. Those are just few of the many possible fears that we may have when ministering to others.

But telling others about Jesus also requires more than just speaking, and the song states that in the phrase 'Lord he has never seen mirrored in my life'. Remember, when we are at school and home, we are on stage for say. We have people watching our actions and perceiving our attitude & emotions. Through our persona we are telling other about ourselves and what is in our heart regardless of whether it is good or bad. That is why it is so important to act with the love of God. But this is even impossible if you don't genuinely have a relationship with God. You can't show God's love without having received it yourself. Which brings us to the title of this post, what is your roadblock to Jesus?

Even if you have accepted Jesus in your heart, that doesn't mean that you have a genuine relationship with the Lord. In fact, we often times get stuck in our relationship and will sometimes have a roadblock that is stopping us from getting closer to Him. And until we get past that roadblock we will be stuck in the mud with our relationship. Just like if you have a lot of bitterness in your heart then you will find yourself stuck in your relationship until you overcome it. And if you don't even try to overcome it then you might even start going downhill because anger will begin to swell in your heart and leave no room for Jesus. I know that I have a lot of struggles and Roadblocks in my life. All of which include Judgment towards others and Jealousy. Even admitting that saddens me because it seems that I have struggled with that for so long that I have lately felt stuck in a rut. I can't seem to get past it, and when I think I have I seem to just fall back in the pothole. It's so aggravating at times that I just want to give up, but I know that if I do then I will just get deeper in my problems.

Once we can get past our roadblocks then we can move closer to God, and we may then find that our actions and attitude reflect our closeness with God. So my challenge for you today is to identify what your roadblock is in your relationship with God. And once you determine that you can then move on to ministering to others not only with words but with the love of God that comes through your actions.

Many blessings to you in the days to come,

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~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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