Saturday, September 24, 2011


It's one of those days were your sitting at home; The clouds are drifting through the endless blue hue of sky, the birds are singing their continuous song, and the grass sways in harmony. I'm looking out the window and a thought just happens to occur to me; What can I do to make a difference? I know that that is a pretty heavy question, I mean, a difference in what way? I hear about people making an impact in the lives of others and fulfilling various needs of the world, and I am amazed and also longing to do the same. But what is God's purpose for me?
I'm just surprised at how I thought that I knew what I was doing with my life and all of a sudden it's like I am questioning whether what I have planned is really what God has planned for me. Do you ever feel this way? I started trying to do Google searches of different needs in our country, hoping to be inspired by something, but found that pointless. I ended up not finding any of the answers I was looking for, and rightly so; what gave me the idea that Google would solve my problems? Really what I needed to do was go straight to the source, pray, and read my bible about it. Anyhow, I've just been pondering on that for the past month and still am, which is driving me crazy since I tend to be the type of person that when I get an idea I want to act on it right away. So perhaps this is making me work on patience and teaching me to wait on God and his timing?

Anyways, I just thought I'd let you know what all I have been thinking and praying about lately (I'd appreciate your prayers as well! :) .

I hope that you all have been doing well, and thanks for reading :)
~Adriana C.


  1. Have you ever read "Do Hard Things" by the Harris twins? I don't think it necessarily gives big ideas about HOW to take action, but it does motivate the reader to take action, live with purpose, and "do hard things". I got the book for my birthday and from the first couple chapters I've read, I've loved it.

  2. I've heard of it, and it seems to be quite a popular book. Perhaps I'll check it out at the library, thanks for the idea Annie :)
    Your Friend,
    P.S. I have some books that I picked up at a used bookstore that are written by the author Janette Oke that I thought you might like. If I see your brother at school then I'll send it with him, if not then we'll just have to get together again :)


I love getting feedback from my readers, so please feel free to comment. If you would like to contact me with something more personal, then you are welcomed to email me at:

Please speak through the love of God in anything that you write. Thank you :)
~Miss.Adriana Castillo

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